Targeta somni

Compra el regal perfecte.
Trieu la Targeta de regal d'Atelier Emé.

Compra una targeta de regal electrònica Comproveu el saldo de la vostra targeta de regal

The perfect gift

Online & Offline You can purchase Gift Cards in our Ateliers or e-Gift Cards online, both cards can be used instantaneously for purchases online & offline.
Last-minute Gift? Gift a special person with an experience in our Ateliers & Online by purchasing a Gift Card.
A special treat Friends & family of the Bride, Gift Cards can be the perfect way to share a magic moment with the Bride-to-be.
Atelier Emé's Gift Card is now available. You need to select the amount and gift it to a special person to enjoy a shopping exprience directly on our website or in store.

Buy the dream

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Comprova el balanç de la teva targeta

Per comprovar el balanç de la teva targeta regal introdueix la següent informació

Camp obligatori no emplenat
Camp obligatori no emplenat
* Camps obligatoris

Pick your e-Gift Card

E-GIFT CARD is an anonymous card that can be purchased online, at, issued to the holder, which can be used for future purchases or as a gift to family or friends. It is sent by e-mail to the recipient indicated by the buyer at the time of purchase and can be used immediately for the purchase of goods online at Buy e-Gift Card FAQ Gift Card T&C

Fer el seguiment de la teva comanda

Per fer el seguiment d'una de les teves comandes, introdueix el número de comanda que has rebut al correu electrònic de confirmació i el teu cognom. Alternativament, pots iniciar sessió a EL MEU COMPTE per veure el teu historial de comandes complet, inclòs l'estat de les comandes.